Customizing your quotes is a key feature of MyBlindCo’s software, allowing you to deliver accurate pricing with ease. The Line Item Discount feature provides flexibility by letting you modify unit prices or display discounts, giving your customers clear and professional quotes.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to adjust the line item price, apply visible discounts for your customers, or make price adjustments that stay behind the scenes. These step-by-step instructions ensure you have full control over how pricing is presented and calculated in your quotes.

Let’s get started!

How To Create a Line Item Discount in MyBlindCo

MyBlindCo’s software is designed to create accurate quotes with your desired retail price. With the line item discount, there is now a way to display an added discount by changing the Unit/ Line price.

How to Change Line Item Price:

  • In your Quote, on the left-side menu, find the Line you want to make changes to.
  • Click on the Edit Line button (the icon directly next to the trash can).
  • Below Notes, click on the Advanced Options button (abbreviated to Adv. Opt). This allows you to create price changes on the Line you are editing, by modifying the price by dollar amount or by percentage.

How to Apply Line Item Discount (Visible to Customer):

  • In the Advanced Options popup window, toggle on the Show Discount button (it is on when the color changes to green).
  • Choose whether the discount will be a percentage or dollar amount, and select that field.
  • Type the discount amount in the Amount field and put a  sign in the front. Applying the  creates the discount. If you do not enter  the amount entered will increase the initial line item price.
  • Push the Close button
  • Push the Save Line button (directly next to the Advanced Options button)
  • Your discount is applied and will appear in green above your original line item price.

How to Apply Line Item Discount (Not Visible to Customer):

  • In the Advanced Options popup window, leave the Show Discount toggle button off (it is off when the color is gray).
  • Choose whether the discount will be a percentage or dollar amount, and select that field.
  • Type the discount amount in the Amount field and put a  sign in the front. Applying the – creates the discount. If you do not enter  the amount entered will increase the initial line item price.
  • Push the Close button
  • Push the Save Line button (directly next to the Advanced Options button)
  • Your discount is applied, but will not appear on your line item. Instead, the discount will change the original price listed.

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