Ensuring that your customers are satisfied with their installation is an essential part of delivering top-notch service. With MyBlindCo’s Customer Acceptance feature, you can easily get your customers’ sign-off electronically, streamlining the process and avoiding any delays.

In this tutorial, Audra McGrath walks you through the simple steps to obtain customer sign-off on installations. Whether you’re in the field or back at the office, you can quickly complete the process directly from the MyBlindCo calendar and installation ticket. Let’s get started with how to use this convenient feature!

How To Obtain Customer Sign-Off / Acceptance on Installation

In this tutorial, Audra McGrath goes over how to receive customer sign-off on installation. MyBlindCo’s Customer Acceptance feature allows customers to easily sign off electronically after installs!

  • In the installation appointment scheduled in the MyBlindCo calendar, click on the hammer at the top right of the screen. The hammer is a shortcut which will take you to the install ticket.
  • Here, you will see a simplified version of the order without line item grouping.
  • On this screen, toward the top right, there is a new button called Customer Acceptance. Click this button when the install is completed to bring up a page for customer signature.
  • In this page, the customer can choose to select line items to confirm.
    • If, for example, one item had an issue, the customer could un-check that item for remake.
  • Under the items, “Customer Acceptance” is written in blue. Click on this to bring up customizable terms and conditions which the customer is agreeing to by signing off.
  • Toggle on the Sign Electronically button (the button will turn green when it is on). This opens a grey box in which the customer can use their finger or a tablet pencil to sign off.
  • Click Done, and you will be taken to a payment page.

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